What is the WOW factor? Craig Lindvahl, the architect of today’s Midland Institute CEO program that operates in 11 states, with 350 high schools and a total of 74 programs helps set the CEO culture still today.

As Craig shares in a short video, we want every person who comes into contact with our CTMH students to walk away saying ‘WOW’.
✅No matter what the contact looks like, whether through a site visit, when a guest speaker comes to meet with them or interacting in the community, we help these entrepreneurs understand how they set themselves apart from their peers.
✅How do CEO students set themselves apart every day? From dressing professionally each morning, to learning the essence of making eye contact, shaking hands with guests, engaging in conversation and setting a standard of excellence, we want every person to say WOW!

We practiced shaking hands and went through a series inspired by Dale Carnegie that teaches the students the importance of asking questions and becoming lifelong learners. We look forward to meeting our community in the weeks ahead.