Collinsville Triad Maryville and Highland CEO welcomed their first guest speaker this year, Wendy Symer. Wendy serves as the President and Owner of WLS Consulting and the Board Chair for Collinsville Triad Maryville and Highland CEO program. She works with family-preneurs in the local area as they navigate business between family and work relationships. Her expertise in these inner workings make her the perfect person to share more about the DISC profiles with students.

Each year, the first few weeks are about creating culture within our CEO program. Each student has the opportunity to complete a DISC assessment and is provided with their profile. Wendy led students through an exercise so they can better understand DISC and also how it reflects from each student. In DISC, individuals are categorized into the following groups:
D - Decisive/Dominant
I - Interactive/influential
S - Stabilizing/Secure
C - Cautious/Careful

Students sat with the others in their most dominant area and were able to provide how they would approach projects and tasks. Each person learned a bit more of who they are and how others might interact. Fun morning with some laughs in between. Thank you Wendy for sharing with us!WLS Consulting Wendy Symer