Dawn Mushill is a gem to our entire community. Dawn has served as President/CEO of Troy/Maryville/St. Jacob/Marine Chamber of Commerce since 2000 and is also founder of Customer Service and Beyond. She spent Thursday morning with CEO sharing the true gift of treating others well and always leading as the example when it comes to customer service and how we interact with others. There is a skill to building relationships with others and learning to network. What are the keys to success and growing relationships with any business?
🎯Be intentional when coming into contact with anyone you meet. Learn about those that you do business with frequently.
🎯Know the managers at the local McDonald’s and the details of the servers in your local restaurant.
🎯Wake up with a ‘can do’ positive attitude or find it before you engage with others for the day.
🎯Making eye contact and a firm handshake is the key to building any relationship.
🎯Learn to ask plenty of questions and keep others engaged. Entering a conversation to connect others helps everyone.
🎯Don’t let someone else’s negativity hang onto you and bring you down. Just keep going.

Thank you so much for spending the morning with the CEO fam! And Bread Co was amazing too!