Gateway CEO (CTMH) had their first site visit on Wednesday to the Collinsville Aqua Park. Kate Fischer, Superintendent of Aquatics for City of Collinsville, Illinois (Official) and Laura Wilken,
Aquatics Program & Facility Manager for City Of Highland Illinois hosted our students collectively. It’s an awesome example of collaboration between these Parks and Rec professionals. Students toured the facility and most importantly learned about the special dynamics of Aquatic/Parks and Rec professionals. Even though both positions are part of a municipality, they are each running their departments as a business. From staffing needs, budgeting, managing inventory, and marketing - all of this is included in the success of the facilities. Kate started with Collinsville under the Splash City management. After college, she stayed with the City of Collinsville as they took over the water park and has continued her career with the end goal of helping others and serving the community. Laura also started with different career goals in mind, but has continued for over 25 years with the city of Highland. A few highlights from the visit:
- With parks management, risk management and efficiency drives many of their decisions in serving the community
- Safety is always #1 for every guest
- Creating a positive and fun work environment for staff will bring stability to the team in the long run
- Even with a three month swimming season, the off season is full of planning. Planning for staff, maintenance projects and capital improvements.

Kate encouraged students to always bring your best self to everything you do. How you present yourself makes the difference in opportunities. In the parks and rec world, having a polished and well cared for appearance also determines if customers will come back and be willing to share their best experience. Thank you to Kate and Laura for an amazing visit!