A special thank you to Lisa Phillipson, Community Relations & Education Director, Hospice of Southern Illinois for sharing with students on Wednesday. With her background of growing up and moving around a lot, plus now working at end of life care for many families, she had so many insights to real life and showing up as a professional - no matter where life leads you. Here’s a few highlights!
- Lisa put in perspective that we will spend over 90k hours - ⅓ of our life working! We have to decide to find a job that we love and and decide when we want to retire. Choices need to be made to fit that. We go to work - but we are not in prison. So if we don’t love it, change it.
- Lisa shared the many challenges that came with COVID, but creating a following on Facebook during this time has been a big win for Hospice of Southern Illinois. Consistency has paid off with over 7k followers!
- Even when we many not like everyone - our job is to be fair to them. Don’t make an assumption solely based on your life experiences. Check your own bias. Most people are really good.
- Strengths and weaknesses - we all have them. As a leader, you must acknowledge that you are not good at everything. You must build your team with those that complement your strengths.
- Surround yourself with people that care about you. Always strive for that work life balance.
Thank you so much for sharing the morning with us!!